Rent a home.

An easy and safe way to find a home

No hidden fees
1 Apply
2 Sign e-lease
4 Pay
3 Move In

How it works

1. Sign up - Free of charge

Create an account with us and provide some basic information about you. This is done once and the information will be re-used for all your applications.

Sign Up

2. Search and Apply

Apply for any property you would like by simply searching the city you want to live in and select your ideal home. Each property includes a detailed description and may include a digital viewing to give you a complete feel for the place. Click "Book now" to proceed with your application.

3. Get verified and Sign a digital Contract

Once you've applied for a property and your profile is complete, you'll get verified by Renthia. You'll then receive a digital contract straight to your inbox which you can sign with one click.

Sign Up

4. Move into your new home

After you sign the contract you will receive an email with all relevant information regarding your new home. This will include the date and time to move in. You are expected to meet the landlord/Renthia agent at the house/apartment on the date stated to receive the keys.

Sign Up